¡Feliz Mes de Herencia Hispana!

Did you know that the Georgetown University Library has more than 70,000 books, films, rare books and manuscripts in Spanish? And that’s not all—we have thousands more in English about Hispanic culture, history and more. Come and learn about el orgullo latino, for fun or for study!

Not sure where to get started? Here are some great options:

Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America

Brown: The Last Discovery of America

Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent

Reflexiones Sobre Historia Social Desde Nuestra América

Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America

Las Brasas Aún Arden: Indigenismo e Indianismo en América Latina

Waiting on Washington: Central American Workers in the Nation's Capital

El Sur Negro: Crónicas Afrolatinas

Visión Íntegra de América

La Literatura Hispanoamericana