Problems with JSTOR E-Books


UPDATE: Links to JSTOR books have been fixed. If you continue to experience problems accessing JSTOR e-books, please contact

Most of our links to JSTOR e-books are currently broken. The problem links will have "&sid=OCLC:WCDS" at the end of the URL. For example:

Diversity and Complexity, by Scott E. Page, has the following link in its record:

Stripping off the offending text ("&sid=" to the end of the URL) results in a working link.

We have reported this problem to JSTOR and are attempting to obtain corrected links for our JSTOR e-books. Please note this problem only affects e-books through JSTOR; e-books that use another platform (such as ProQuest, Ebrary, or EBSCO) are unaffected. We apologize for the incovenience, and are happy to answer specific questions at